Thursday, July 18, 2013

Following the Spirit

Those who love to bash the Bible often bring up that God has commanded, "Thou shalt not kill", and He commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son. Those who also love to bash Joseph Smith bring up, "Thou shalt not commit adultery" and he was commanded to practice polygamy.

What they have not understood is that we must follow "every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God".

No matter what.
Matt 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
I had a very interesting insight when I read this scripture. (I recognize this is what Jesus said to Satan when Satan was tempting Jesus to eat while he was fasting.) I realized the bread can represent the commandments of God. We need the commandments to live. Like we would die without food, we will suffer spiritual death in result to rebelling against the commandments of God. However, in order to correctly live the commandments, we must obey them according to the spirit. The spirit will direct us, if we allow.  We need to realize that God knows what we don't know. He knows what needs to happen, and if that means He commands us to do something that seems contradictory, we need to do it.
This takes a great amount of faith. Some are not able to put everything into the hands of the Lord. It is not easy. We listen to the precepts of men, and tend to doubt God. No! We can't afford to be unfaithful! Our faith is what allows us to progress, and draw nearer to God! We can't explain all of the whys and whats of God, but we can follow Him. As a result of following Him, we will see light and direction in our lives. We will not be blinded by the adversary.
What if mom and dad want to go to the movies as a family on a Sunday? Do I obey thy mother and father, or do I keep the Sabbath day Holy? Easy. I ask God. I allow Him to direct me. I do what feels right. Sometimes, I need to be at Church that Sunday. Other days, I need to give my family my time.
I have faith that my Father in Heaven will lead me correctly. I know He will NEVER read my astray. How do I know this? Faith. Experience. Confirmation. Then more faith. In time, I believe all will be revealed to me.

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