Sunday, August 25, 2013

Consquencs I Have Chosen

We often comfort ourselves when we are going through a hard time with the thought that God gave us this trial for a reason, and that He will later reveal the specific reason. Many who don’t believe in God may argue, “If God really loves us, why would he make us so miserable?”

What I am about to write: These are not necessarily facts, but are personal beliefs that are a part of my testimony.
I have come to a different belief about my personal trials. I used to think that God just gave me to them, and watched to see if I would learn anything. I don’t believe that. I truly believed that I choose every single aspect of my life. I chose my weaknesses, and all the events in my life that I wanted to give me the opportunity to fall down on my knees, with nothing besides my Father in Heaven, in hopes that I could grow stronger. I used my agency to make those choices, and God make my life a reality.
I also believe my strengths and blessings came from God, and His perfect knowledge. I do not believe I chose the way he would compensate for my trials. I believe that I chose my trials, and He knew what strengths, experiences, and so on He would to give me in return for enduring.
I find it interesting, the Lord compensates for the consequences we have chosen. He gives us more than we can give him. In fact, every little things He asks of us only comes back to bless us. He doesn’t ask us to fast because He likes to watch us be hungry, or to boost His self-esteem because He sees that we are willing to go hungry to obey Him.

He asks us to fast to teach us of the Savior. The Savior offered the ultimate sacrifice, for us. When we sacrifice, we can have a small glimpse of what it means to be Christ-like. We also earn what we need, whether it is knowledge, comfort, and or growing closer to perfecting our obedience. If we were given whatever we wanted just because we asked, we didn’t have to work, our progression would be impossible.
I learned these things a few nights ago while I was praying. I was asking the Lord to take away a struggle of mine, and I started to blame Him for my failure. I then felt this calming realization that I single handedly chose what I am go through, and the Lord is allowing me to sin and fail, but then correct myself. He even compensates for my weakness by revealing to me my gifts and strengths.

Another reason this concept is important is so that we are not burdened by (what we perceive as)harsh lives of others. We should show empathy, and serve those who are prompted to serve. However, we must not let them take from us which we do not have to give. If we are not able to be the friend or “Savior” that one expects of us, we do not have to hold ourselves hostage. I do this often. I will hear the struggles of someone I love and it will break my heart, and I want to save them. I will wonder why God would do such a thing. I now am beginning to understand that their life story is what makes them who they are, and their hardship is the ultimate opportunity to be brought to their knees and find the Lord.

I wonder if life is hard than we expected in the pre-mortal life. I think it is. I was wondering if I knew how hard this was going to be, if I would have chosen it. The thought I had was that this little fraction my journey is meant to be harder than I thought, in order to humble myself.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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