Sunday, September 1, 2013

Mission Preparation

I have not yet experienced the full intensity of preparing for a mission. I am not even baptized yet! But...I really want to write about this.

My Goals (To prepare):

1.       Little habits. Praying, fasting, tithing, and teaching. I want to be comfortable in all these areas. I am not. I say meaningful evening prayers and I pray throughout the day, BUT it completely blows over my mind in the morning. I rarely pray in the morning/before meals. I have only fasted when someone I am close to needs something desperately. I struggle to fast for my own growth.  I struggle to remember tithing. I often pay a late tithing. Teaching wise, I am gifted at writing, but sometimes let other intimidate me when I share my thoughts. All of these are a work in progress.

2.       Knowledge. How can I teach the Book of Mormon, if I barely comprehend the basic facts? Spiritually, I feel very confident in myself. But when it comes to the war stories and names of bad guys, I am lost. I must show confidence in this book, even if that means I must go read the children’s Book of Mormon OVER AND OVER to fully grasp the stories.

3.       Scripture mastery and references. When I began taking seminary, I began to remember where certain scripture were, and I could cross reference between them. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT!!! One scripture may better explain an idea to an investigator. Scriptures also answers question very clearly. Ex: Why do Mormons baptize the dead? 1 CORINTHIANS 15:29!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4.       Releasing self from excessive social/media interactions. I will greatly miss obsessively checking my email. Hey! Why don’t I work on that NOW? Another example: Person is depressed when they aren’t constantly with friends. CHANGE THAT!!! Learn to be happy interacting with strangers (as in, people you don’t know, say the new kid at school) or in solitude. I’m not saying go completely anti-social, but be content if a Saturday night is spent working or even just having some quiet time. During a mission, there will be little time of one’s personal self. That’s the way it should be.

5.       Evaluate self-worthiness. I truly do not say this to be ignorant or judgmental, (I am guilty of the same thing) but it breaks my heart to see boys whose main reason they started to live the LDS standards was because they were expected to receive their a mission call. Change is good, but we need to be good BECAUSE WE WANT TO!!!! :) Not because we are expected to by others! That is “okay”, that is their progression. But I want to be the best me! I want my standards to not even have to change a little bit when I am preparing to enter the MTC! I want to be already living like I have my mission call. I am not there yet. But I can get there.

6.       See where my energy is focused. Personally, us humans waste SO MUCH TIME!!! Whether it’s a girl waiting for her missionary or playing X-box all night: that girl could be doing so much with the energy she is using as she thinks about how much she misses her missionary (This is NOT to insult girls waiting for their missionary, I have friends who are doing this, and they are happy. It is THEIR life, and I am happy that they know how to choose for themselves). The boy playing X-box all the time is truly setting himself up for a struggle during a potential mission. I waste time on pinterest and being emotional and watching Lost. I can better use my time by balancing the time I spend on entertainment/life with spiritual, good things. If I am going to give an hour to watching Lost, the least I could do is match that time and give to the Lord, whatever errand He have me run.

7.       Not putting too much on my plate. For 18 months, I will do very little for myself, entertainment wise and social wise. It could be very tempting to go crazy and overload my schedule. I want to prioritize those family and friends I feel are the most important to visit, and learn from. That sounds selfish, but it isn’t selfish for me to take care of myself.

8.       Figure out a way for me to journal without being costly. I can’t keep buying journals and sending them home every 2 weeks. I need to figure out a way to electronic journal as well as handwrite in my journals.

9.       Mentally prepare self with books, classes, and any resources that will help. Memorize Preach my Gospel!!

10.   Saving money. I put this last, because I was tempted to put it first. This is not the most important preparation, because if I am obeying the Lord, it will work out. Money is not what I need to serve an exceptional mission. My relationship with Christ, my testimony, and knowledge will be much more handy.


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