Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What Does it Really Take to be Exalted?

I am under the impression that it is a common belief among many members of the church that by making our covenants, taking the sacrament, accepting callings, and going to church every Sunday we will be exalted.

I believe these are important first steps to our progression in the gospel and can strengthen our testimony of the gospel, but I believe there is more we must do to become exalted. I think we underestimate how much work our journey will take, and that we settle down too quickly. When I was first converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ, I thought I only needed to do these things to be placed in the celestial kingdom. Specifically, I needed to be married in the temple. It is easy to believe that we live life on Earth with “enough” faith, are judged, and then placed in the degree of glory that we earned. I do not believe it is that simple.
I write these provoking thoughts because I want to progress, and I have learned that it is harder than I thought. It takes more work than I ever imagined. I want to share this, because one person’s testimony can really inspire something in others. I do not claim to know what we need to do to be exalted. I barely grasp that it is possible to be exalted. I do testify however that through perfect obedience to the Lord, we will become perfect through eternity.

Living all eternity can be a very frightening thought. We know very well the telestial world we occupy, and living in this state forever would become very miserable. An eternal perspective can truly influence the way we live and our relationship with God, but along with this perspective, we must take our progression day by day. For example, anyone who has chosen to give up worldly things they once loved knows how hard this is.  It seems like too much to conquer at once. We realize that it is harder than we expected to give these things up, and that it will take trial and error before we succeed. That is progression. We experience failure. We also experience success. Our achievements come from obedience to the spirit, and perseverance.
My simple testimony comes down to:

I know I must pray and draw near to my Father in Heaven for light, and knowledge.

I know I must repent and progress through the atonement and my relationship with Jesus Christ.

I know I must I obey the spirit as perfectly as I can, and be grateful for everything revealed unto me.

Through these things I find my way. I am not yet perfect at any of those things, but am trying again and again. Through the straight and narrow path, I am experiencing eternal conversion.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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