Sunday, December 15, 2013

Become as Little Children

I am reading a book called Beyond Success and Failure (Willard and Marguerite Beecher). If you read my last post, it spoke of relying on God to become self reliant.

This perspective is eye opening. The book focuses on releasing ourselves from dependency. As children, we learn to be dependent on our parents. As we grow up, we tend to hold onto that dependency. As the book broke down the issue, I had the thought come to me, We all have a part of us that wants to be a child. By this I mean we don't like being responsible for our mistakes, we want to blame others when we struggle, and want another person to comfort us when times are rough.

The book teaches how to recognize our own childish dependency, and become self reliant. I have been enlightened, and did not realize how much childlike dependency I have. I was at first stumped, and unsure how improve this.

The solution is simple. The only way is to give this struggle to my Father in Heaven. He is the perfect parent. I must become humble and willing as a child so that I can accept what the Lord can give me to fill any vacancy I might have. If I feel deprived of something, He is who I need to turn to. He can soften my heart, and give me a new perspective. He will take what I am given, and help me to understand I have more than enough of what I need. He can help me see others the way he see them.

If we have an insecurity or struggle, we may misplace our blame on our parents. I know I have done this. I am now learning to see my parents as HUMAN. It is not their job to be perfect!! They are allowed to make mistakes, and I must not hold them hostage! They love me in the way that they can, and I must be grateful, rather than focusing what they maybe didn't give me. My parents do more things right than not. Even if that wasn't the case, it is up to me as a disciple of Christ to forgive and love them exactly the way they are.

I want to mention that I understand there are cases where people have truly been mistreated by parents, and were not taken care of. Child Abuse of any kind is NOT okay, and there is understanding for those who feel anger towards those who abused them. Only forgiveness through Christ can heal that. But, blaming a person, even if they are at fault, does not help our hearts.

I want to be child like, not childish. I was to self reliant, but humble. I want to share this, because it has changed me, and the way I live.

1 comment:

  1. I lost your blog address and finally figured out how to search for it in my gmail. I guess I'm trying to get my daily dose of what Lexee is thinking and learning any way I can. Love you.

    Sis. T
